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What is vaccination?

Vaccinations are available at any time during consultation hours. Vaccines have the function of protecting ourselves from illness, protect the population, and prevent complications. Even in Japan, which is said to be an underdeveloped country in vaccinations, we are finally able to administer large number of vaccines to protect children from illness, but there are so many vaccines that it can be difficult to organize a schedule. The type of vaccine and intervals between vaccinations vary. Make sure to get vaccinated while making a schedule.

The role of vaccinations
Protect yourself from illness
Protecting the population from illness
Preventing complications from illness

Routine vaccinations
Routine vaccinations are covered by public funds. In addition, reservations are required only for the "Hib vaccine".
Vaccine Name
Hepatitis B, Hib, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Rotavirus
4-combination (DPT-IPV)
5-combination (DPT-IPV-Hib)
MR (measles, rubella) and chickenpox
Japanese encephalitis
DT (Stage II)
Cervical cancer

Optional vaccinations
There is a fee for optional vaccinations.
Vaccine Name